Poker Series


Poker Club Sochi

At the height of spring, the Sochi Poker Club invites you to spend 11 unforgettable gaming days at the tables of the Sochi Poker Festival, the most popular Russian poker series.

The SPF’s spring stage includes over 50 events for its players: buy-ins range from c.u. 125 to c.u. 3,850, there are nearly thirty commemorative trophies for champions, half a dozen cool multi-day competitions and tens of millions of roubles in prize money!

Here are the key festival tournaments:

  • Magic Bounty: 20–22 April / c.u. 550 buy-in
  • Warm Up: 21–24 April / c.u. 880 buy-in
  • Main Event: 26–30 April / c.u. 1,100 buy-in
  • High Roller: 23–26 April / 2,200 buy-in
  • Super High Roller: 27–29 April / c.u. 3,850 buy-in

Our big media team will help Sochi Poker Club guests enjoy unforgettable emotions of participating in Russia’s top poker festival: a professional photographer will give free photos to everyone who would like one; those dying to learn what’s going on at the tables can follow a text broadcast, and lovers of TV poker will be treated to nearly a week of live broadcasts with cards face up!

Check out the complete SPF SPRING schedule below.


Using promotional code SPFSPR -15% discount on accommodation when booking on the website krasnayapolyanaresort.ru

The discount applies to the category of deluxe rooms, suites, apartments. For the β€œBest price of the day with breakfast” tariff.

  • The tariff is prepaid and non-refundable.
  • Period of stay 04/19/2024-04/30/2024
  • Booking period 03/01/2024-04/30/2024


Buy-in in casino chips 400 (355+45)
Stack 30 K
Levels 30 ΠΌΠΈΠ½
Late registration 15
Start blinds 100-100
Ѐишки Π·Π° Ρ‡Π°ΠΉ: 5K - 25
Buy-in in casino chips 125 (113+12)
Stack 10 K
Levels 15 ΠΌΠΈΠ½
Late registration 9
Start blinds 100-100
Ѐишки Π·Π° Ρ‡Π°ΠΉ: -
Buy-in in casino chips 125 (110+10+5)
Stack 10 K
Levels 10 ΠΌΠΈΠ½
Late registration 9
Start blinds 100-100
Ѐишки Π·Π° Ρ‡Π°ΠΉ: -
Buy-in in casino chips 550 (500+50)
Stack 20 K
Levels 25 ΠΌΠΈΠ½
Late registration 12
Start blinds 100-100
Ѐишки Π·Π° Ρ‡Π°ΠΉ: 5K - 50
Buy-in in casino chips 330 (300+30)
Stack 40 K
Levels 15 ΠΌΠΈΠ½
Late registration 11
Start blinds 100-300
Ѐишки Π·Π° Ρ‡Π°ΠΉ: 5K - 25

Get directions

Krasnaya Polyana Gambling Zone

We are 45 km from Sochi International Airport, a drive of 30–40 minutes. Take the E97 motorway towards Krasnaya Polyana and the Krasnaya Polyana resort. Follow the route for 42 km to the resort of Krasnaya Polyana. You may leave your car on the open unguarded parking lot. Parking fees for guests are charged at the rates of the Krasnaya Polyana resort.