These Terms are made in accordance with the civil code and Federal Law No. 244-FZ dated 29.12.2006 «On State Regulation of Gaming Activity and on Amendments to Certain Statutes of the Russian Federation»; Federal Law No. 115 dated 07.08.2001 (as revised 27.07.2006) «On Countering the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and the Financing of Terrorism»; Federal Law No. 54-FZ dated 22.05.2003 «On the use of Cash Register Equipment in the Implementation of Cash Settlements in the Russian Federation (as amended by Federal Law No. 313-FZ dated 01.10.2020); and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and shall be observed throughout the Casino.
1.1. These Terms of Entry (hereinafter referred to as the Terms) to Casino Sochi, located at 51 Estonskaya Street, Esto-Sadok village, Sochi, Casino Boomerang, located at 1 Naberezhnaya Lavanda Street, Esto-Sadok village, Sochi, Bonus Slots, located at 1 Gornaya Karusel Street, Esto-Sadok village, Sochi, set out the procedure for entry to the Casino and are designed to provide due public order in the Casino, to protect the life, health, honor, dignity and property of Casino guests as well as to protect the interests and property of the Casino against illegal incidents.
1.2. Casino guests denote individuals present in the Casino (in the gaming area), including players and other individuals who are not denied entry to the Casino in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Terms.
1.3. These Terms shall be binding inside the Casino and in associated areas and shall be observed by all the Casino guests.
1.4. The Casino Management reserves the right to amend these Terms in order to improve the quality of services provided and to enhance the operating efficiency of the Casino.
1.5. The Casino Management reserves the right to close (or restrict access to) certain premises and/or areas of the Casino at its own discretion.
1.6. Any guest entering the gaming area of the Casino acknowledges that they have read and understood these Terms and other documents established by the Casino Management and displayed for the public to see and that they have read the Fire Safety Regulations and agrees to observe them in their entirety.
2.1. Entry to and presence in the Casino is prohibited for persons wearing:
2.1.1. dirty, soiled or torn clothes and shoes;
2.1.2. sports clothes and footwear (including clothes and footwear for Alpine skiing), except for trainers, sneakers and tennis shoes;
2.1.3. workers’ uniforms and footwear and other types of uniforms (except for on-duty staff);
2.1.4. beachwear and beach shoes (including shorts and bathing suits);
2.1.5. camouflage uniforms;
2.1.6. clothes with abusive or obscene words and images (including foreign words);
2.1.7. clothes with words and images (including foreign words) intended to foster hatred or enmity as well as to humiliate a person or a group of persons based on sex, race, nationality, language, origin, religion and social group membership.
2.2. Individuals whose appearance and actions do not comply with the universal principles of morality and ethics shall not enter or remain in the Casino.
2.3. The Casino Management may introduce a special dress code for Casino guests in accordance with a particular event.
Entry to the Casino is prohibited for:
3.1. Persons under 18 years of age.
3.2. Persons in a state of alcohol, drug or chemical intoxication or in any other state that may impair an adequate perception of reality.
3.3. Persons with animals, birds, reptiles and lizards and any other species of fauna, except for guide dogs (with requisite muzzle and guide-dog identification) accompanying guests with disabilities).
3.4. Persons with visible signs that are deemed to be indicators of infectious diseases.
3.5. Persons with clearly visible signs of mental deviation in behavior that differs from commonly accepted human behavior.
3.6. Blacklisted persons.
The Casino Management and its representatives reserve the right to refuse entry to any person without explanation.
3.7. Entrance only upon presentation of the original passport and passing the registration procedure. 18+
4.1. Casino guests shall have the right to use the food and beverage services and to attend entertainment events associated with gaming.
4.2. Only those games established by the Casino Management and set out in the Gaming Regulations are allowed in the Casino.
4.3. Casino guests shall be entitled to seek explanations from members of Casino staff who are present in the Casino regarding situations related to any controversial games-related questions.
4.4. Representatives of law enforcement (controlling) authorities are allowed entry to the Casino in accordance with the procedure set out by current legislation.
4.5. Ambulances, emergency response teams and fire brigades that arrive to provide their respective services are allowed entry to the Casino premises when accompanied by security staff.
Casino guests are obliged to observe the following rules:
5.1. Casino guests are obliged to read and accept these Terms as well as the current Casino Gaming Regulations and Betting and Payout Terms and Conditions. Any guest who disagrees with demands made by Casino staff are obliged to comply with these demands in due manner.
5.2 The visitor must have an identity document. In accordance with the rules for visiting the Casino, the identity documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation are:
For a foreign citizen, the identity document is a passport of a foreign citizen with the mandatory attachment of a migration card.
A driver's license and other documents not expressly specified in these Rules are not accepted by the Casino as an identity document of a visitor.
The visitor is warned and accepts that the issuance of Casino tokens and the issuance of funds in exchange for tokens is carried out only with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation for citizens of the Russian Federation and a passport of a foreign citizen for a foreign citizen. The visitor is warned and accepts that in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 54 of May 22, 2003 "On the use of cash register equipment when making settlements in the Russian Federation", his personal data (full name, passport data) will be indicated on the fiscal receipt and transferred to the tax authority.
5.3. Casino guests agree to have their personal data processed, including actions performed with or without automated tools, including the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating and amending), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, and access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, and destruction of their personal data through DOMAIN LLC (Principal State Registration Number: 1152367006000, Tax Registration Number: 2317079557), located at #202, 11 Vremena Goda embankment, Esto-Sadok village, Sochi, Krasnodar territory. The details of the personal data, which the guest guarantees and agrees to be processed includes the guest’s last name, first name, patronymic, passport and contact information, tax number, and place of residence.
5.4. Upon entry to the Casino, guests must present their primary identification as a citizen of the Russian Federation or that of a foreign national and confirm they are in compliance with entry age requirements. Identification data shall be entered into the guest card account.
5.5. A guest card cannot be accepted for identification purposes. At the request of Casino staff, a guest is obliged to show their guest card and requisite identification in accordance with these Terms in order to prove their age and identity.
5.6. The current Gaming Regulations of the Casino shall be observed during game play.
5.7. Playing or betting for another guest is forbidden. Entering any playing activity without personal presence in the gaming area is forbidden.
5.8. Casino guests do not have the right to unlawfully take possession of the chips of other players nor transfer or sell such chips to another player.
5.9. Casino guests shall observe these Terms in addition to commonly accepted rules of public behavior, morality and ethics.
5.10. Casino guests shall behave correctly and with restraint and neither cause public disturbances nor violate commonly accepted rules of morality, ethics and acceptable speech.
5.11. Casino guests shall refrain from any activity that disturbs the comfort of other guests.
5.12. Casino guests shall keep the Casino clean and tidy.
5.13. Upon entry to the Casino all guests shall read the Fire Safety Regulations and shall follow them at all times.
5.14. Casino guests must comply with any requests made by Casino security staff related to measures to cease activities in violation of the Terms for remaining in the Casino.
5.15. Upon entry to the Casino all guests shall submit to a security metal detector check and shall open their bags, briefcases, and so on, if requested by security staff. If a guest refuses to submit to this request, Casino security staff reserve the right to deny the guest entry to the Casino.
5.14. In compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated 07.08.2001 «On Countering the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and the Financing of Terrorism», guests are required to notify Guest Relations about any changes made to their identity documents the next time they visit the Casino in order for their details to be updated. These include changes to:
— last name, first name, and patronymic (if the law or national custom provides for such);
— citizenship;
— details of the requisite identity documents: name, document series and number, issuing date, name of issuing organization, and department code (if available);
— arrival document details: document series and number, and entry and exit dates for their stay;
— details of documents confirming the right of foreign citizens or stateless persons to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation: document series (if available) and number, validity dates of the right to stay (reside), and the commencement and expiration dates of their valid stay (residence);
— information about a guest’s registered place of residence (address) or current place of residence),
5.15. Casino guests who have found a lost item in the Casino are obliged to immediately inform either the person who has lost the item, or any other person known to them who has the right to claim the item and return it to the person who has lost the item. If the owner of the lost item cannot be identified, the item is to be handed over to an employee of the Casino’s Reception and Customer Services Department.
6.1. Violate the current Gaming Regulations of the Casino.
6.2. Damage or in any way degrade the property of the Casino.
6.3. Enter or remain in the Casino’s service areas (this restriction does not apply to law enforcement representatives or on-duty monitoring and inspection authorities).
6.4. Film, photograph or video (including the use of mobile devices with photo and video record functions) either the gaming equipment or other Casino guests or to take personal photographs (selfies) when in the gaming areas (except for information purposes — reading the electronic identifiers of QR-codes).
6.5. Contact any staff members of the Casino outside of gaming activity except for those individuals whose work duties include communication with Casino guests (Casino Management, security staff, managers and receptionists).
6.6. Engage in monetary transactions for participating in gaming activities and receive funds in exchange for Casino tokens without presenting a passport. If a guest cannot produce a passport, the Casino reserves the right to refuse to issue tokens or funds even if the guest has a Casino guest card or another identifying document.
6.7. Interfere with Casino staff in the performance of their official duties.
6.8. Smoking in the Casino is prohibited in accordance with the current legislation.
Decisions on any issues related to entry and presence at the Casino are vested in the Casino Management in accordance with these Terms and with the Gaming Regulations established in the Casino.
7.1. Any kind of firearm, air gun, gas and spray weapons or bladed weapons, regardless of any documents permitting their possession, special protective equipment of any kind (except for law enforcement representatives equipped with service weapons who are on Casino premises in the performance of their official duties), as well as any other devices that are deemed by Casino security as capable of causing injury to staff or guests of the Casino.
7.2. Any kind of narcotic, poisonous, explosive, radioactive, combustible, inflammable or toxic materials or substances or those with strong odors.
7.3. Replicas and fakes of firearms, gas and spray weapons, non-lethal gas pistols and bladed weapons.
7.4. Bulky items (large items of luggage, suitcases, backpacks, sports equipment and so on).
7.5. Photo and video equipment, laptops, notebooks, electronic scanners and readers and any other kinds of equipment whose purpose is impossible to determine externally.
7.6. Devices, including those monitoring the work of slot machines, which affect the random outcome of a game or allow such outcomes to be predicted.
7.7. Playing cards, dice and other related Casino equipment.
7.8. Substances with strong odors (hair spray, gas or pepper spray, deodorant and so on).
7.9. Alcoholic, non-alcoholic and other types of beverages and food.
Individuals in possession of any items prohibited on Casino premises in accordance with these Terms are not permitted to either enter the Casino or to remain therein.
If required, information concerning individuals in unlawful possession of prohibited items on Casino premises and who are detained by Casino staff will be provided to law enforcement authorities.
8.1. In the event that a Casino guest commits unlawful activities of an administrative or criminal nature, Casino staff will inform law enforcement authorities in order to hold such a guest duly accountable. In such a case, Casino security reserves the right to take lawful steps to terminate the offense and detain the offender.
8.2. In the event of any damage or degradation inflicted upon Casino property, the Casino reserves the right to seek full compensation from the offender in accordance with current civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.1. In the event of any issues inside the Casino that require the intervention of Casino security, the latter may take such enforcement actions as required for justifiable defense and emergency response.
9.2. Casino staff reserve the right to request any guest in breach of these Terms to immediately leave the Casino and related premises. If an offender refuses to comply, enforcement measures may be used to remove them from the Casino and related premises.
9.3. The Casino bears no responsibility for any personal items left unattended on the Casino premises.
9.4. Personal items checked in at the Casino cloakroom can be retrieved only upon presentation of a cloakroom tag. If the respective cloakroom tag is lost the personal items can be retrieved only in the presence of a representative of the Casino Management and the Casino guest shall present their identification and describe the items.
9.5. Lost and found items shall be registered and stored at the Casino in accordance with current legislation.
9.6. The Casino bears no responsibility for any clothes checked in at the cloakroom or for money, valuables and other items left therein.
9.7. Casino Management reserves the right to maintain a list of individuals denied entry to the Casino. Such a list may include individuals removed from the Casino for breach of these Terms and/or individuals who are on similar lists at other gaming establishments. Entrance to the Casino and related premises is prohibited for individuals who are on this list.
10.1. Video and audio surveillance is in place throughout the Casino to ensure the safety of guests and staff of the Casino.
10.2. If there is no gaming activity and participation in settlements with the Casino for more than 3 years, cash points are canceled from the cards of players whose balance is less than 1000 cash points.
10.3. All personal data of guests is stored and used by Casino Management in accordance with procedures established by law. This data may be used to prevent offenses and for other legitimate purposes (including email messages, mail-outs, phone calls and SMS messages to guests about events and services available at the Casino).
10.4. The Casino Management warns that gambling addiction can be dangerous.
The Casino Management warns that gambling addiction can be dangerous.
In all other situations not provided for by these Rules, the final decision is made by the Casino Administration.
Krasnaya Polyana Gambling Zone
We are 45 km from Sochi International Airport, a drive of 30–40 minutes. Take the E97 motorway towards Krasnaya Polyana and the Krasnaya Polyana resort. Follow the route for 42 km to the resort of Krasnaya Polyana. You may leave your car on the open unguarded parking lot. Parking fees for guests are charged at the rates of the Krasnaya Polyana resort.