American roulette

The American roulette table consists of a wheel with numbers from 0 to 36 and a playing field marked in such a way that all possible bet combinations are indicated on it.

Roulette is played with two types of chips:

  • Chips with a monetary value (cash chips);
  • Colored chips (color), intended for play only on this table.

The player chooses the cost of colored chips independently within the minimum and maximum limits of the table before the start of the game. He can use chips of one of the free colors used only at this gaming table. After finishing the game, you need to exchange colored chips from the dealer for chips with a monetary value, which can be used to continue the game on any other table or exchange them at the casino cash desk. Colored chips that the player took with him or did not exchange are subsequently valued at the minimum value of the given table.

All bets are accepted until the dealer says “There are no more bets.” The dealer has the right to withdraw late bets. The dealer removes all losing bets from the field and pays the winning bets in a certain order. If a 0 (“zero”) is rolled, all bets on “columns,” “dozens,” and “even odds” are lost. In this case, bets related to “zero” are paid in the same way as any other number.

Players can place verbal bets before and during the spin until the dealer says, “There are no more bets.” A verbal bet is considered accepted if the dealer duplicates the player's bet out loud. The player is solely responsible for the correctness of the bets placed.

The game is considered completed if the ball has made at least three revolutions. In a situation where the ball has made less than three revolutions after being launched, has flown out of the drum, or is spinning in the same direction as the wheel, “No spin” is declared: in this case, bets do not lose or win. The game is replayed.

Bets are considered valid only if there are chips on the playing field, clearly marked by position. And bets located outside the designated positions are considered incorrect and are removed from the field by the dealer.

For each type of bet, there are concepts of minimum and maximum. This means that the bet amount on each position must match the table's minimum/maximum.

Roulette wheel

Types of bets on the field

Track betting

At the Boomerang casino you have the opportunity to make so-called oral bets:

  • “Room with neighbors” - minimum 5 USD
  • “Voisin de zero” - minimum 9 USD
  • “Tier” - minimum 6 USD
  • “Orfolines” - minimum 5 USD
  • “Zero Spire” - minimum 4 USD

These bets are accepted on the track. Bets on the track are accepted in both cash and colored chips.

Track is an additional field for bets, the numbers on which are located in exactly the same sequence as the cells on the roulette wheel are numbered.

The “Number with neighbors” bet is a bet on five numbers, including any selected number and two adjacent numbers to the right and left of it on the roulette wheel. Example: bet 5 USD to neighbors number 26. Play: 35, 3, 26, 0, 32 for 1 USD

“Sector” or “Series” - this bet allows the player to cover with a minimum number of chips all numbers included in one of the four sectors of the circle in certain positions:

Players also have the opportunity to place bets “NSS” (number with splits) and “Complete” (maximum number splash).

“NSS” (Number with Splits) is a bet in which the player does not need to exchange a large denomination chip to display the selected number.

“COMPLETE NUMBERS” is a screen saver of the selected number to the maximum of the table, in which the player does not need to fill a single number with the maximum possible number of chips by position.

Get directions

Krasnaya Polyana Gambling Zone

We are 45 km from Sochi International Airport, a drive of 30–40 minutes. Take the E97 motorway towards Krasnaya Polyana and the Krasnaya Polyana resort. Follow the route for 42 km to the resort of Krasnaya Polyana. You may leave your car on the open unguarded parking lot. Parking fees for guests are charged at the rates of the Krasnaya Polyana resort.